Monday 8 September 2014


                                                           FORCE FIELDS
TYPES OF FORCES: There are two types of forces namely:
1. Contact forces: Forces which are in contact with the body to which they are applied e.g push, pull, tension, reaction and frictional forces.
2. Force fields: These are forces whose sources do not require contact with the body to which they are applied e.g gravitational, electric (or electrostatic) and magnetic forces.
i. Gravitational force is the force with which the earth objects towards its centre.
ii. Electrostatic force is the force existing around charged bodies.
iii. Magnetic force is the one that exist around a bar magnet
The effects of these forces are felt by bodies which are not in contact with them.

            A field is a region of under the influence of some physical agencies such as gravitation, magnetism and electricity.
            The two types of force fields are the scalar field and vector field.
A scalar field is one that has only magnitude but no direction e.g temperature, density and energy,  while a vector field is the field that has both magnitude and direction e.g magnetic field , electric field and gravitational field.

This is a region or space around a mass in which the gravitational force of the mass can be felt. It is a force field which acts over a distance and surrounds every object that has mass. Gravitational field permeates all of space.
            The earth attracts every object existing in its gravitational field. This attraction is gravitational attraction whose effect is to change the velocity of objects under its influence.

Acceleration due to gravity
            The acceleration of object due to the gravitational attraction of the earth is called the acceleration due to gravity represented by the symbol  ‘g’ with average value 9.81ms-2.
            The value of g is the same for all bodies at a give place but varies from place to place, being minimum at the equator (9.78ms-2) and maximum atbthe poles (9.83ms-2).
The gravitational force of attraction is given by:
F = mg, when m = 1,  F = g.  This is known as the acceleration of free fall (g) due to gravity. It is the force of attraction on a unit mass.
            In the absence of friction and air resistance, all bodies fall with the same acceleration irrespective of their masses.

Gravitational Force between two masses
            Gravitation is a force of attraction exerted by a body on all other bodies in the universe. It acts between all masses and holds together; planets, stars and galaxies.
            Sir Isaac Newton proposed a famous law called Newton’s law of universal gravitation and it states that:
Every particle in the universe attracts every other particle with a force which is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centres.
m1  ʘ―――→F                                                   F←―――ʘ m2

   F α m1m2 ,      F = Gm1m2  
             r2                         r2
G’   is the gravitational constant, m1 and m2 are the masses of the two particles, r is the distance between their centres. ‘G’ is measured in Nm2kg-2 (6.67 x 10-11Nm2kg-2).
            The law shows that bodies which are closer together would attract each other more than those that are farther apart.
Gravitational attraction keeps the moon in its orbit around the earth and the earth in its orbit around the sun. Gravitational forces  are always forces of attraction.
Determine the force of attraction between the sun(mass 1.99 x 1030kg) and the earth(mass 5.98 x 1024kg) if the sun is 1.50 x 108km from the earth
 (G = 6.67 x 10-11Nm2kg-2)
Solution:   F = Gm1m2 ,    where r= 1.50 x 108 x 103m
                     = 6.67 x 10-11 x 1.99 x 1030 x 5.98 x 1024
                                           (1.50 x 108 x 103)2
                      =  3.52 x 1022N
(1) Find the gravitational force of attraction between the electron of a hydrogen atom(mass 9.0 x 10-31kg) and the proton(mass 1.67 x 10-27kg) if the electron orbits the proton at its average distance of 5.3 x 10-11m.
(2) Calculate the gravitational force of attraction between two protons each of mass 1.67 x 10 -27kg in a chemical compound whose distance apart is 10-10m

Relation between gravitational constant ‘G’ acceleration due to gravity ‘g
Let re  be the radius of the earth and me be its mass. If m is the mass of a body on the earth’s surface, the force which tends to pull the body towards the centre of the earth i.e its weight (mg) has a magnitude W = F. The gravitational attraction of the earth on the body is  F = Gmem ,  
The force of gravity on a body is expressed as  F = mg.
Therefore, it follows that:
               F = mg =  Gmem
The force per unit mass is given by:
               F = g = Gme
              m            re2 
Hence   g = Gme
It means that the acceleration due to gravity  ‘g’  can be referred to as the force per unit mass on the surface of the earth.
Determine the mass of the earth whose radius is approximately 6.38 x 106m,
 G = 6.67 x 10-11Nm2kg-2 and g = 9.8ms-2
From g = Gme
          me = gre2        =    9.8 x (6.38 x 106)2
                   G                    6.67 x 10-11
                               =  5.98 x 1024kg

Gravitational Potential
Gravitational potential at a point is defined as the work done in taking a unit mass from infinity to that point. The unit is Jkg-1.
The gravitational potential V is given by:   
                         V = -Gm  
‘m’ is the mass producing the gravitational field, r is the  distance of the point to the mass. As r  increases, the gravitational potential decreases, and becomes zero when r is infinitely large. The negative sign in the equation shows that the potential at infinity (i.e zero) is higher than the potential close to the mass.
Example:  Find the gravitational potential at a point on the earth’s surface. Take the mass of the earth as 5.98 x 1024kg, its radius as 6.38 x 106m and
 G = 6.67 x 10-11Nm2kg-2.

   V = Gm
      =  6.67 x 10-11 x 5.98 x 1024
                       6.38 x 106
           =   6.25 x 107Jkg-1                 

Escape Velocity
            One common feature of man-made satellites that circle round the earth is that they are held in an approximately circular path by the earth’s gravitational pull. This force provides the needed centripetal force required to keep the satellites in their orbits.
            The centripetal force which is equal to the gravitational force is given by:
mvs2 =  F =  Gmem   ( where  vs  is the velocity of the satellite as it
  re                   re2         moves round the earth)

 Hence   Vs = (Gme/re).
For a satellite to escape from the earth and never return, it must be launched with a velocity greater than that required to make it orbit.
Escape Velocity  Ve  is the minimum velocity required for an object (satellite or rocket) to just leave or escape the gravitational influence(or field) of an astronomical body(e.g earth) permanently.
As the mass moves away from the field at the surface, its kinetic energy decreases because its gravitational potential increases.
An object will escape if the K.E is just enough to provide the needed potential energy.
The work done to carry a mass m away from the centre of the earth is
force x distance.
 W  =  Gmem  x  r   =   Gmem
               re2                      re
This work done equals the K.E of the body of mass m given by  K.E = ½mve2
Thus   ½mveGmem
              Ve  =  √[2Gme/re]     re is the radius of the earth and me = gre2/G
Then     Ve = [2G x gre2/re x G]   = (2gre), re is the radius of the earth denoted R
Hence   Ve = √(2gR)
Example: Calculate the escape velocity of a satellite from the earth’s gravitational field if g = 9.8ms-2 and earth’s radius is 6.4 x 106m.
Ve  =  (2gR)
      =  (2 x 9.8 x 6.4 x 106)
      =  11 x 103ms-1
The satellite must be launched with a velocity greater than 11kms-1 to escape the gravitational influence of the earth

1. The average radius of Jupiter’s orbit round the sun of mass 2 x 1030kg is 7.8 x 1011m. If Jupiter is 1.9 x 107kg, find the gravitational force the sun exerts on Jupiter. (G = 6.67 x 10-11Nm2kg-2)
2. The escape velocity of a rocket from the earth is 11kms-1. Calculate the radius of the earth if the acceleration due to gravity is 9.8ms-2
3. The radius of the moon is one-fourth, and its mass is one eighty-first that of the earth. If the acceleration due to gravity on earth is 9.8ms-2; what is its value on the surface of the moon?
4. On a mission to the planet Mars, of radius rm = 3.4 x 106m  and mass
mm =   6.42 x 1023kg. The earth weight of Mars lander is 39200N, calculate its weight Fg and the acceleration gm due to gravity:
i. 6 x 106m above the surface of Mars
ii. at the surface of Mars (neglect gravitational effects of other planetary bodies around Mars

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