Monday 15 September 2014


          Chemistry is a branch of science which deals with the study of the nature, composition, properties and changes matter can undergo under different conditions. By nature of matter it means the state every objects or things existed in the universe.  Some objects are found in liquid state, some are in solid state while others in gas state. By composition it means what matter are composed or made up of. So all objects either living or non-living consists of different materials e.g. soil consists of water, micro-organisms, air and minerals as well as humus. While water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.  By properties it means matter or objects have different properties or characteristics for instant a pure water is used to be tasteless, colorless, freezes at 0oC and boils at 100oC while an alcohol (Ethanol) is said to be colorless, it has characteristic odour, boils at 760C.  By changes matter will undergo under different conditions, it means matter can change their state from one form into another depending on the environmental factor. For instance water can boils when the temperature changes, it can evaporates when the temperature changes as well and it can freezes when the temperature changes which means that when the environmental temperature in which water is place changes the water changes its state.
          Environment itself is made up of matter, chemistry therefore deals with the study of the environment and try to explain things that are happening in the environment. For instant:
1.     Rusting of iron nails
2.     Palm wine turning sour after sometime
3.     Burning of substances into ashes, e.t.c.
          Chemistry as a science subject is divided into three (3) main branches:
a.     Inorganic Chemistry:- This is the branch of chemistry which studies those matter in our environment which are non-living e.g. stones, soil, mineral salts, rocks, etc.  These non-living matter does not originate from the body of plants and animals.
b.     Organic Chemistry:- This is another branch of chemistry which studies matter in our environment which are living e.g. anything that originated or came from the bodies of plants and animals
c.      Physical Chemistry:- This is the last branch of chemistry which studies those energy transformations or changes involved in the changing of matter in the environment into another form of matter for instant; if ice-block must melt into liquid water, some certain amount of energy is required for the process of take place. This energy used to change ice-block to water is studied under physical chemistry. Also the amount of calories of energy contained in food stuff and the quantity released into the bodies of animals when consumed is studied under physical chemistry.
Note anytime a matter is transformed energy is neither gain non-lost during the process. It is just conversion of energies taking place.
          Scientists used their eyes and other senses to make observation.  From these observations they build up a pattern which often leads to a problem or question.
          The scientist tries to solve this problem or question by forming an explanation or hypothesis. The hypothesis can be tested by an experiment. The scientist records what happens and we can use the results to show whether the hypothesis is right or wrong. If the hypothesis is shown to be right, then further observation and experiment will continue the investigation. When the hypothesis is shown to be wrong the scientist has to try and think of another explanation.
          The sequence of events is the scientific method; it forms the basis of all scientific research.
          Chemists investigate substance by carrying out tests and trying out different reactions. Scientific method works as follows:-
1.     Decide to investigate the properties of a substance
2.     After preliminary tests and observations from a hypothesis
3.     Test the hypothesis by carrying out an experiment
4.     Do further tests and formulate a new properties of a substance


1.     Define chemistry in your own words.
2.     State and explain the three (3) branches of chemistry
3.     Explain what you understand by the term “scientific method”.
4.     Using flow chart only explain how you as a scientist would study chemistry as a science subject
5.     Name three (3) occurrence in the environment which chemistry study

(1) New School Chemistry for Colleges by Ababio et al
(2) Certificate Comprehension for Senior Sec. Schools by G.N.C Ohia et al.
(3) Macmillan Chemistry for Senior Secondary Schools by Demehin et al

          Chemistry as a science subject, tries to find out about materials around us. The earth and all the things on the earth in order to put them into better uses and benefits to man. Hence chemistry have the following importance:-
1.     It makes us to learn how to investigate the pattern of behavior of several groups of substances in the environment
2.     It helps to discovered more about the occurrence happening in our environment
3.     It helps to improve the quality of the standard of living of people in society
4.      It helps in production of agro-chemicals to improve agricultural production of crops and livestock through production of livestock drugs, vaccines, crops fertilizer and pesticides, etc.
5.     It helps in the storage and preservation of several food items to the point of reducing malnutrition
6.     It helps in the synthesis of fibres (textile) used for wide range of clothing materials and these fibres are cheaper than the natural cotton materials
7.     It helps in the manufacture of better and high quality drugs used in treatment of different kinds of diseases
8.     It helps in the production of different structural materials e.g. alloys for machine parts etc.
          There are some side effects of chemical processes experienced in the environment. These adverse effects include:-
1.     It can leads for food poison
2.     It can leads to destruction of life
3.     It can leads to destruction of natural ecosystem
4.     It can leads to destruction of ozone layer
5.     It can causes different types of pollution in the environment, etc.
          There are different careers a student who studied chemistry can take up after passing out of high school. In college, the following careers available:
1.     Biochemistry
2.     Microbiology
3.     Physiology
4.     Anatomy
5.     Nursing
6.     Medical Doctor
7.     Chemical Engineering
8.     Geology
9.     Agricultural Science
10.                        Mining Engineering
11.                        Physiotherapy
12.                        Information Technology
and many other science related discipline.

1.     State the definition of chemistry and explain the definition briefly
2.     List out three occurrence happening in the environment which chemistry studied and provided explanation for
3.     Explain briefly the three (3) branches of chemistry and list two examples under each branch
4.     Describe the scientific approaches to the study of chemistry using only a flow chart
5.     Mention five (5) benefits of studying chemistry as a science subject
6.     List out four (4) harmful effects of chemistry in the environment.
(1) New School Chemistry for Colleges by Ababio et al
(2) Certificate Comprehension for Senior Sec. Schools by G.N.C Ohia et al.
(3) Macmillan Chemistry for Senior Secondary Schools by Demehin et al

          Matter is anything that has mass and occupy space.  This means that matter is having a force and it is inertia also matter requires a force to get it moving or to stop it once it is moving. Matter also occupy space showing that matter can be located at a particular position wherever it is. For instant, the feather might appear to have no mass but it does have mass because it is pull to the earth’s surface when it is dropped from a height. And on landing on a surface it occurs a space. Also all the hair on our head mass individual mass that can be obtained using a mass balance individual and collectively and if a hair strand is removed from the head the space is open. Examples of matter in clued: water, oxygen, soil, balls, books, fishes, bids, tables, rulers, pencils, clothes, goats, knife, etc.
          Most students assumed that mass and weight are the same quantity. But this is not true, that is the reason why mass is used to defined matter and not weight.
          The difference between mass and weight are listed in the table below:-

Mass is the total quantity of particles in a substance
Weight is force acting on the substance due to force of gravity
Mass is constant because it is the same at any point on the earth surface
Weight is not constant because it varies from place to place on the earths surface
Mass is scalar quantity because it has magnitude but no direction
Weight is vector quantity because it has magnitude and direction
The S.I unit of mass is mole
Weight S. I unit is Gram or netoton.

          There are different kinds of matter. The universe itself is a matter because it is composed of sample of materials which have two properties in common. The materials occupy space (they have volume) and they have mass.
          The materials found to composed the universe is therefore divided into three different states. The states are
1.     Solid
2.     Liquid
3.     Gas
Even the internal organ of the body are in three states. Same goes to the materials in the world. For instant water is liquid, air is gas and land is solid. The table below shows examples of each state of matter

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