Monday 8 September 2014


S. S. S. ONE
Literature can be defined as ‘life’ and ‘life is literature’. Literature on the other hand can also be defined as “a mirror of life” because it is woven round the activities of life. In other words, literature is a reflection of man’s life in society.
The following man’s activities are studied in Literature.
1.             Man versus man OR Man versus himself:- This is an external conflict which is when one character has some sort of struggle against another character whether physically or emotionally. Man versus himself is when the character struggles with his/her own self, feelings or emotions. Examples: William Golding: Lord of the Flies; Wole Soyinka: A Play of Giants.
2.             Man Versus Supernatural Power:- It means that the main character’s battle is against something he cannot control. Such as time or fate or the gods. He either did something that perpetuated a circle of events that he could not control the outcome or in fate, he has no control over his destiny he simply has to deal with what is handed before him. Example:
Ola Rotimi: The Gods Are Not to Blame.
3.             Man Versus Animal/Nature:- Man and animal have been formidable foes dating back to Anglo – Saxon myths such as “Beowulf” or Homer’s “The Odyssey”, a classic Greek tale of man versus beast. The beasts of popular myths often exhibit supernatural strength but are ultimately defeated by the cunning and bravery of their human foe. This external conflict is often used to show the symbolic struggle between good and evil.
4.             Man Versus Society:- Often, protagonists feel alienated or are treated as outcasts of society. They may feel trapped or have a sense that something is tragically flawed about the world around them. To their dismay, the majority of people are unable to see their point of view. The protagonist struggles to change conventions or institution like; government or religion, often without success.
5.             Man Versus Technology:- Common with science fiction literature, man finds his enemy within machines. Technology runs away (the way it was not planned), evolving past man’s control over it. This type of external conflict presents a worst-case scenario of a world dominated by its own inventions.

1.             Literature is designed to widen the scope of students’ knowledge, experience and their stock of vocabulary.
2.             Literature in any form entertains, educates, preserves and promotes language.
3.             Authors hide under the canopy of literature to create satires in order to discourage bad character e.g. Wole Soyinka: The Play of Giants; George Orwell: Animal Farm, etc.
4.             It creates positive heroes for moral emulation.
5.             It helps to better understand different cultures or time periods.

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