Monday 8 September 2014



Career opportunities are chances in jobs or profession that someone have been trained for and intend to do for several years. The various opportunities in the public, teaching and private sectors include:

  1. Career opportunities in the public sector
The federal government is the largest employer of labour in Nigeria. There are various categorises of jobs available for graduates of polytechnics and universities. These include: budget analyst, chief executive officer, higher executive officer, principal executive officer, personnel officer, administrative assistant, purchasing officer, secretary, director of finance, director of administration, accountant general etc. School certificate holders also work as clerical officers, secretary, office assistants, drivers, cleaners etc.
At the state and local government levels, career opportunities are abound for university, graduates and diploma holders. They can serve as : health care workers, highway managers, safety control officers, clerks, administrative officers, bookkeepers, accountants etc. Employees in the civil or public service are referred to as civil servants.

  1.  Career opportunities in teaching profession
There are various opportunities available for people that major in business education in colleges of education, polytechnics and universities. These opportunities exist for education graduates as:
1.      Teachers in secondary schools;
2.      Lecturers in polytechnics;
3.      Lecturers in colleges of education;
4.      Lecturers in the universities;
5.      Professors;
6.      Bursars;
7.      Registrars.
People can be employed as Master grade I-II, senior teachers, principals, lecturer I-II, associate professors etc.

  1. Career opportunities in the private sector
Clerical and management occupations are available in the private sector. These are categorized below as :
1.      Marketing and sales. People who have pursued and completed a course of study in commercial studies can be employed in different fields of marketing and sales such as retailing, wholesaling, transportation and research industries. Some of the posts available include: research assistants, research supervisors, sales analysts, agents, managers, salesmen, sales representatives etc.
2.      Production and materials management. Job positions available under production management are : traffic managers, inventory officers, purchasing agents, purchasing officers and managers, quality control analysts, industrial designers.
3.      Management as a profession. Good management is very important in all kinds of organizations. These are: inventory control specialists, personnel officers, management trainees, middle level managers, top level managers, administration officers.
4.      Insurance industry. There are great opportunities for insurance industry. These are: claim examiners, under writers, claim adjusters, actuaries, agents, brokers.
5.      Accounting and management information system. the demand for accountants is on the increasing owing to the expansion of firms. A good accountant must be a logical thinker. Accounting professionals include: bookkeepers, account clerks, accountants, auditors, tax consultants, financial managers, credit analysts, cost accountants, data base computer operators.
A course of study in accounting and management information system required mathematics.

a.       Basic requirements for unskilled jobs. All unskilled jobs in the various categories- private and public sector are reserved for holders of first school leaving certificate (primary six). Examples are messengers, office assistants etc.
b.      Basic requirements for semi skilled jobs. Such as clerical jobs in account, administration, insurance, banking etc are reserved for holders of secondary school certificates and national diploma certificates depending on grade level.
c.       Basic requirements for management trainee, top management or executive level. Holders of first degree or higher national diploma (HND) are offered appointment. In the public service, a graduate is employed as a grade level 08 officer.
d.      Commercial courses. Graduates of the following professions are offered employment in all the career opportunities depending on one’s area of specialization. This could be:
1.      Economics;
2.      Management;
3.      Finance;
4.      Insurance;
5.      Banking;
6.      Accounting;
7.      Marketing;
8.      Secretarial administration.
e.       Professional examination. In some of the professions listed there is need for higher professional examination to be taken so as to attain top management level in an organisation. Some of the institutions conducting professional examinations are:
1.      Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN);
2.      Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria (CIBN);
3.      Nigerian Institute of Management (NIM). Etc
All graduates of commercial courses are advise and eligible to sit for the professional examination.  

Test your understanding
Mention the basic requirement for UTME entry requirements and subjects for your interested course.

Compiled by: Akerele Adedayo E.
            Enquires contact:
            08162875768, 08057415945

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